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Friday, May 10, 2013

Integrity and Company Values (More Like Me Venting a Month of Frustration)

So the past month I've been working hard at my poolside waitress job while trying to look for a full-time job. Something I've learned: it's hard to find a company that has integrity or upholds the company values that they claim they have.

I feel like a lot of the companies that I've been interviewing with the past month somewhat lack integrity. They falsely advertise the types of job positions they are looking to fill. I look for a marketing job and I end up at interviews for sales jobs. I understand that marketing itself is a kind of sales position, but this is the very questionable stuff. Like, I had 3 interviews for places where they are selling "$475 worth" of Texas Rangers tickets for $40. Clearly a sales position even though all of them touted a "marketing assistant" position.

Then there's the job that I'm at right now. The company claims to put their employees first, but so far I'm having trouble believing it. I asked for an early shift tomorrow so that I can get out in time to attend a mass for the one year anniversary for grandma's passing. They scheduled me for 2pm which roughly translates as I won't be done until 8. I also asked for Wednesday and Thursday off, but I was still scheduled for both days but I have Monday and Friday off. I texted my shift manager about it and then the pool manager personally called me to tell me that I was wrong for that. I admit that the way I went about it was wrong, but it would not have been a problem if they had even remembered that I had asked off. On top of that, they only sent out the schedule 2 hours ago and this is the schedule that starts tomorrow. They always send out new schedules at the last minute. If they sent out the schedule at least half a week in advance, there would be more time to sort out these problems. So in the attempt to make it so that I have those requested days off, they revised the schedule so that I would only be working for one day this week. It was supposed to be Tuesday, but lo and behold, they scheduled me to work on Thursday. Now I'm in a frantic scramble to try and switch with my coworkers instead of going through the management team again. It's not like this is the first time they scheduled me on a day that I requested off.

Don't even get me started about my paycheck. Over the past 4 weeks, I found that I'm missing over $200 total. Employees first, indeed. I just can't seem to catch a break with these waitressing jobs.

Anyways, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a job opportunity that Azim referred me to. I'm not to optimistic about my chances, though, since I managed to bomb my phone interview yesterday. I just really want to dig myself out of this ditch.

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