Sooo last Sunday I decided that I would buy a Canon Powershot G15 after I had returned my Sony NEX-5N. The 5N was good, but since I had no plans to purchase more lenses there was no point in buying a mirrorless SLR. Instead, I went for a prosumer point-and-shoot. The G15 has a good sensor, shoots in RAW, has a fast lens, and has 1080p video. I just wished it had the swivel screen like the G12, but oh well. I'm still happier with my G15 than the 5N because the 5N's touchscreen meant that I had to go through a lot of submenus in order to change settings like ISO or shutter speed. No bueno. The G15 has a bunch of easy-to-use dials instead, which I prefer.
I love how clear the audio is. The video quality is good as well.
The pictures do end up a little overexposed sometimes. Easily fixable, though.
See more photos from the G15 by clicking the link below: